
Notices are messages that either inform you about the result of an action or the state of something.

Basic structure

An element can be turned into a notice, by giving it the class .notice. There are five types of notices, though:

type of notice which class to apply use for ...
Muted (default) ... all notices, where no other type applies or which should have low visibility.
Danger .is-danger ... notices, that denote a dangerous, negative or deleted state or indicate that an action failed.
Warning .is-warning ... notices, that denote a critical or possibly dangerous state in need of your attention, or indicate an action with possibly unexpected outcome.
Success .is-success ... notices, that denote a positive state or indicate that an action succeeded.
Info .is-info ... notices, that inform neutrally about a state or the result of an action.
<div class="notice">Muted notice</div>
<div class="notice is-danger">Danger notice</div>
<div class="notice is-warning">Warning notice</div>
<div class="notice is-success">Success notice</div>
<div class="notice is-info">Info notice</div>
Muted notice
Danger notice
Warning notice
Success notice
Info notice

Filled notices

Sometimes a notice needs additional weight, possibly, because an action is critical. In these cases, it is in order, to apply the class .is-filled, to make the notices even more noticeable.

<div class="notice is-filled">Muted notice</div>
<div class="notice is-filled is-danger">Danger notice</div>
<div class="notice is-filled is-warning">Warning notice</div>
<div class="notice is-filled is-success">Success notice</div>
<div class="notice is-filled is-info">Info notice</div>
Muted notice
Danger notice
Warning notice
Success notice
Info notice

Notices as banner

Sometimes the notice applies to the whole page/site/instance. In these cases, the notice should be put either directly above or below the header. Also you should give it the class .is-banner which changes some styles to make it better fit into the position. And don't forget, to center the content in a wrapper with the .container class.

<header class="header">
    <div class="container header--container">
    <div class="header--brand">
        <a class="header--site-name" href="#!">Your site</a>
    <div class="header--menu">
        <a class="header--item" href="#!">Link</a>
        <a class="header--item" href="#!">Link</a>
        <div class="header--separator"></div>
        <a class="header--item" href="#!">Link</a>
<div class="notice is-banner is-warning">
    <div class="container">
        Warning banner
Warning banner