
Widgets group multiple view elements into one larger component. It's often called a "card" and also often used in sidebars.

You create a widget by creating a wrapper element with the CSS class .widget

Minimal widget

A minimal widget consists only of a body (.widget--body).

<div class="widget">
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

Widget with header

Besides a body, a widget can also contain a header (.widget--header). The header is either "simple" (like a heading), or more "complex" (for example, when it needs more information than just one name). In the latter case, you should add the .is-complex class, to prevent font size issues.

A header can also have a link, which allows for some action. This is one of the very few exceptions, where a link may provide action rather than navigation. This link must be given the class .widget--header-link.

<div class="widget">
    <div class="widget--header">
        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

Widget with footer

Besides a body and a header, a widget can also contain a footer (.widget--footer). This often contains actions (buttons).

<div class="widget">
    <div class="widget--header">
        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
    <div class="widget--footer">
        <a href="#!" class="button is-filled">More information...</a>
edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

Themed modals

You can also color modals by using the classes .is-yellow, .is-red, .is-green, .is-teal or .is-tertiary. Use them rarely and only, when neccessary. Prefer to use notices, when applicable.

<div class="widget is-yellow">
    <div class="widget--header">
        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
    <div class="widget--footer">
        <a href="#!" class="button is-filled">More information...</a>
<div class="widget is-red">
    <div class="widget--header">
        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
    <div class="widget--footer">
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<div class="widget is-green">
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        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
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<div class="widget is-teal">
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        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
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<div class="widget is-tertiary">
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        <a href="#" class="widget--header-link">edit</a>
        Welcome to Codidact Law
    <div class="widget--body">
        <p><strong>Hello!</strong> Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. <em>Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.</em></p>
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edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.

edit Welcome to Codidact Law

Hello! Welcome to our community for questions around the law. This is only a site for hobbyists and professionals to share their knowledge, however, so we cannot give you legal counsel. Contact a lawyer if you need (immediate) help, rather than posting in an online forum.