
Co-Design comes with a standard JavaScript library, which should allow you to do many things without writing a single line of JavaScript yourself.

To be able to use this JavaScript, you'll need to include it into your project. See the installation guide for more information.


Co-Design will provide JavaScript controllers to every module, which is in need of one. See the respective component page for details:


Furthermore, Co-Design JavaScript provides some commonly used utilities:


Co-Design JS supports toggling various aspects of target elements. To create a toggle, you need to give the trigger these three attributes:

  • data-toggle with a CSS selector selecting the target
  • data-toggle-property with a name of the property to be toggled (defaults to: display)
  • data-toggle-value with a name of the value of the property to be toggled. (defaults to: \auto)

There are these properties:

  • display - toggles, whether the element is visible or not
  • class - toggles, whether the element has one or many class (defined by value, separated by space) or not.
<button class="button is-filled"
Toggle Example</button>

<p id="example-toggle-display-target">This paragraph can be toggled.</p>

This paragraph can be toggled.

<button class="button is-filled"
Toggle Example</button>

<p id="example-toggle-class-target">This paragraph can be toggled.</p>

This paragraph can be toggled.


Co-Design JS supports dismissing target elements. To create a dismisser, you need to give the trigger these attributes:

  • data-dismiss with a CSS selector selecting the target
  • (optionally) data-dismiss-soft for a more soft dismissal (first decrease opacity)
<p>Click the close button to remove the notice:</p>

<div class="notice is-danger" id="example-dismiss-target"> <button data-dismiss="#example-dismiss-target" class="button is-close-button">&times;</button> Something important happened! </div>

<div class="notice is-success" id="example-dismiss-soft-target"> <button data-dismiss="#example-dismiss-soft-target" data-dismiss-soft class="button is-close-button">&times;</button> Something important happened! (soft dismiss) </div>

Click the close button to remove the notice:

Something important happened!
Something important happened! (soft dismiss)